Introduction to Fuzzing in Go Jan 11, 2023 Introduction Everytime we get on the system to fix a bug in a feature, refactor a feature, or add a new feature, we are probably introducing bugs. As a result, the system may fail at handling the new additions correctly. So, it is safe to say: you can only find bugs you can think of. A quick example is when you attempt to dereference a nil pointer! Boom!!! This happens a lot. ...
Pass by Value and Reference in Go Mar 1, 2020 Introduction Many programming languages support passing an argument by value and/or by reference. In this article, we’re going to learn how Go’s function handles passed arguments. What Is Pass-By-Value? In Go, when a parameter is passed to a function by value, it means the parameter is copied into another location of your memory, and when accessing or modifying the variable within your function, only the copy is accessed/modified and the original value is never modified. ...
Designing A Basic Logging System in Go Application Dec 27, 2019 Introduction Many companies are betting on Go due to its composability, scalability, and concurrency, and other super interesting features. Simple web services and microservices applications require a well-considered logging strategy to help us understand user behavior, localize errors, and monitor the performance of our applications. In this blog, we are going to explore Tracing, Metric, and Logging. Logging, in particular, will receive the highest focus. Tracing / Monitoring / Logging What is Tracing? ...
Sending SMS in Golang to Nigeria Phone Numbers Sep 1, 2019 Introduction This tutorial will show you how to handle sending SMS in Go to Nigeria phone numbers with ease. To be specific, in the last two API services I programmed for a Nigerian client, part of the requirements is the ability to send SMS to customers with without attracting a noticeable cost. This means, to get a very cost rate for eash SMS sent, there has to be an integration with local SMS vendors. ...